Senin, 18 November 2019

Differences between Inflection and Derivation

What’s the different between inlection and derivation?

Let’s take a look at these examples :

-          Tree-s : consist of two morphemes Tree and S
Tree is a noun and S as the plural
Walk-ed : consist of two morphemes as well walk and ed
Walk is a verb and Ed is past tense

The other two examples are quiet different
-          Write-r : consist of two morphemes write and R
Write is a verb and r is a bound morpheme
So, the verb (write) turn into a noun (writer) , it changes the word class

-          Un-likely : consist of Un , Like and Ly , but in this case, unlikely I am just going to focus on these two elements, Un and likely
Unlikely similarly changes meaning .
So likely is an adjective but Unlikely is still an adjective , but the meaning is now the oppsite
So lets start with the first , Grammatical Morphemes :
1.      Inflection
a.       Do not changes the meaning
b.      Add grammatical information
o   Past tense (ed) such as work-ed . studi-ed
o   Plural (s) such as boy-s , girl-s , pen-s
o   Other categories
And the second is the lexical meaning :
2.      Derivation (always changes the meaning of the word they attached to)
o   Always change the meaning
Likely -> unlikely (changes something positive to something negative)
Write -> writer (changes an action to a person whos doing the action)

o   May changes the word class
Write (verb) changes an action to a person whos doing the action
Writer (Noun)

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